Creating a COVID-19 Temporal Animation with QGIS

One of the most powerful new features released with QGIS v3.14 is the Temporal Controller, which allows you to enable time in your maps. It can be used to temporally enable vector, raster, mesh and WMS(T) data. The Temporal Controller is now a core part of QGIS and has several variables associated with it that allow you to create powerful visualizations and animations. It contains most of the functionality found in the Time Manager plugin.

Here you will learn how to use it with the New York Times COVID-19 data to produce a county-based animation of the outbreak in the U.S.

Getting the Data

To begin, download the current New York Times live COVID-19 data, a U.S. Counties with population shapefile and a State boundaries layer from the U.S. Census. Unzip the county and state data.

Add the Data to QGIS & do some basic styling

Add all three datasets to QGIS 3.14, then use either the QuickMapServices or MapTiler plugin to add an OpenStreetMap basemap. If you have not installed these, you can do so from the Plugins menu option Manage and Install Plugins.

Next you will symbolize the States with a simple black outline and no fill. Press F7 to open the Layer Styling Panel. Make sure the states layer is the target layer in the panel.

  • Select the Simple fill component.

  • Change the Fill style to No brush.

  • Increase the Stroke width to 0.46.

The NYT data is structured such that there is an entry for each county for each day of the pandemic. For each date it has both the cumulative number of confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths.


Processing the Data

The only data processing step is joining the COVID-19 data to the counties layer by FIPS code. This is a 5 digit code (2 for the state and 3 for the county) which is a unique identifier for each county in the country.

You will use the Join Attributes by Field Value processing algorithm. Use the Processing menu to open the Processing Toolbox. Use search box at the top of the Toolbox to search for ‘Join’. This will filter the available tools. Locate the Join Attributes by Field Value processing algorithm in the Vector general section. Fill it out as shown below being careful to select the Join type of Create separate feature for each matching feature (one-to-many).

Warning: This is going to create a very large dataset with over 400,000 features. It may take quite awhile to process depending on the speed of you machine.


Symbolizing the COVID-19 Data

When the data has been processed you can symbolize it. Again the size of this dataset makes it a bit unwieldy. Since the goal is an animation which builds towards the current total of COVID-19 cases, you want to set up the classes so they make sense for the latest date in the dataset. To figure this out, you will temporarily filter the data for the most current date.

  • Open Layer Properties for the layer.

  • Choose the Source tab.

  • In the Provider Feature Filter section click on the Query Builder button.

  • In the Fields box highlight the date field.

  • In the Values box click All. Again this is a big dataset so it may take a few moments for QGIS to compute a list of all the dates.

  • Form an expression in the Provider Specific Filter Expression box. First double-click on the date field to enter that in the lower box. Then click on the equals operator. Finally double-click on the most current date.

  • Click OK.


When finished, a small filter icon will appear to the right of the layer in the Layers Panel. If you hover over that filter your expression will appear. Now you will work on styling the filtered dataset.

  • Make sure the correct counties layer is the target layer in the Layer Styling Panel.

  • Where it reads Single symbol, change it to Graduated. The Graduated renderer allows you to symbolize the counties based on a numeric field.

  • You can begin by simply choosing the cases field as the Value.

  • Click the Classify button and you will see the counties classified into the default 5 classes in your default color ramp.

  • Choose Equal Counts as the Mode.

  • Increase the number of Classes to 7.

  • Use the Color ramp selector to find a nice color ramp. Here I’m using the RdYlBu ramp.

  • Right-click on it and choose Invert. This is necessary if using the RdYlBu ramp so that the counties with the highest number of cases are red.

  • Next you will change all the outlines for all the classes to a thin white line. To do this, click on the colored bar next to Symbol.

    • Select Simple fill.

    • Change the Stroke color to white and the Stroke width to 0.06.

    • Click the blue back arrow button to return to the main layer styling options.


Normalizing the data by population

This is now turning into a nice map. However, it will be more informative to normalize the number of cases against the population. Otherwise we risk making a map of just population centers. In the Value section where you chose cases as the field, click the Expression button. The Expression Dialog window opens with cases as the expression. Here you will divide cases by population and multiply by 1,000,000. This will give you the cases as a rate per 1,000,000 people.

  • Put your cursor to the right of the word cases and click the / division symbol button.

  • Expand the Field and Values values section. You will see a list of all the attribute columns in the dataset.

  • Double-click on POPULATION to add field to your expression.

  • Next, wrap cases / “POPULATION” in parentheses.

  • Finally, enter a multiplication * symbol followed by the number 1000000 without thousands separators.

  • Click OK.

  • In the Layer Styling Panel click Classify again to see your map as cases per 1,000,000. You can also enter custom values. For example, you can set the upper limit for the first class to an even 2,500 versus the 2,508.62.


Now that you have the styling set, you will clear your layer filter. Click on the filter icon in the Layers Panel to open the Query Builder. Click Clear and OK.

Working with the Temporal Controller

Now you can work with the Temporal Controller.

  • Open Layer Properties for the counties layer and choose the Temporal tab.

  • Set the Configuration to Single Field with Date/Time and point it to the date column.

  • Set the Event duration to 1 week.

  • Close Layer Properties.


The layer will likely take awhile to render so you may want to turn it off now that you have it set up.


Next you will work on some Decorations to add to the animation. These will allow you to add a title, legend and data source to the map canvas.

From the View menu find Decorations and choose Title Label. Click Enable Title Label and enter COVID-19 Cases per 1M by Date (NYT). Choose a font and a background color and click OK.

To add the legend to the map canvas, you will set one up in the Print Composer. Start a new Print Composition and add just a Legend. Configure it how you’d like and take a screenshot or reduce the size of the composition to fit to the legend and export it as an image.

Back at the main QGIS window revisit View —> Decorations and choose Image. Click Enable Image and load your legend. Use the Size and Horizontal/Vertical settings to place it in a good spot.

You can use the View —> Decorations—> Copyright Label to put the url to the New York Times GitHub repository on the map.


Labeling Time

Finally you will create a point layer to place the current day on the map. Click on the Layer menu and choose Create Layer —> New Geopackage Layer. Be sure to make it a point layer.


Put the layer into edit mode and create a point where you’d like the date to appear. Save your edits. Open Layer Properties and select the Temporal tab. Enable Temporal and set the Configuration to Redraw Layer Only. This tells QGIS to redraw this layer each frame.

Now you will symbolize and label this layer. For symbology change the renderer from Single symbol to No symbols. You don’t need to see the point. You will be using this layer to simply label time.

In the Layer Styling Panel switch to the Labels tab. Set labels to Single Labels. Click the Expression button to the right of Value. There are a series of variables tied to the Temporal Controller. Expand the Variables section and double-click on the @map_start_time variable to add it to your expression. This variable represents the start of the map’s time range. As you step through time on the map, this variable will update to represent the current start date for the map. You can use the format_date() function to put this time into your preferred format. If you highlight the format_date() function you will see some help in the right side of the expression window. Reference the example below. Also note that QGIS provides a preview of what your expression returns. Look in the lower left corner of the expression window. You can check this to ensure the expression is formatting the date as you wish. When finished click OK.


Lastly, choose a font for your time label.

Activating Time

Now you are ready to activate the Temporal Controller panel. Click on the Temporal Controller button on the Map Navigation toolbar, or use View—> Panels to activate it. Once visible, click the Animated Temporal Navigation button (right-most with green arrow) in the Temporal Controller panel.


Exporting Still Images

Set the Step to 1 days. You can now use the Temporal controls to step through time. However, the data are so large it will probably be awkwardly slow. Notice the Export Animation button to the right of the Step. Click this, and set it up to export out a series of still images, one per day.


Creating the Final Animation in GIMP

Once the images have exported you can use the open source image editing software GIMP to create the animation. You can install it from the link.

Open GIMP and choose File —> Open as Layers. This will likely take a couple minutes as it loads all the still images.


Once it has finished loading the layers click Filters —> Animation —> Optimize (for GIF). This step too will take a couple minutes. Finally choose File —> Export As and export as a GIF. Set the File type as GIF and choose a folder for the export. Click Export and in the Export Image as GIF window be sure to check the As animation box. You can also choose the Loop forever option.


You will end up with something similar to the animation shown below! This same workflow can be used to create similar animations for deaths or for other countries.


Vector Borne Disease Surveillance Workshop for State Based Health Officials

The Second Vector Borne Disease Surveillance Workshop


On June 18 & 19, 2019, eight state based health officials took the second Vector Borne Disease Surveillance workshop in Providence, Rhode Island. This was the second of two 2-day workshops aimed specifically at tackling the spread of diseases like Dengue fever, West Nile and Zika viruses. As with the first one, this was a Community Health Maps training specifically designed to demonstrate how to collect and work with geographic data related to vector borne diseases, i.e. those that are transmitted to humans via other animals such as mosquitoes. Attendees represented health departments in: Colorado, Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, Virginia and Guam.Again this workshop was a team effort. The training was organized by the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO). Participants attendance was funded by CDC’s National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases. Travel for the trainers was funded by the National Library of Medicine, (funding for the workshop is provided under a sub-award from the National Library of Medicine to ICF International). This particular CHM workshop was taught in conjunction with ASTHO’s State Environmental Health Directors (SEHD) Peer Network Annual Meeting.After an introduction to the Community Health Maps project - it's origins, workflow and examples of past projects - participants learned to create a data collection form and use their smartphones to map features (trees, signs, benches etc...) around the conference site using Fulcrum.For the remainder of the first day, the group took the data they collected earlier and imported into QGIS. In this section they became familiar with QGIS and how to symbolize layers and make a print map.IMG_-bb3hhdIn addition to the data collected on site, we worked with mosquito data acquired courtesy of Dr. Chris Barker  covering Madera County, CA. The data included mosquito trap results over five years, virus testing, mosquito biting complaints, storm drains, parcel boundaries, roads and a hypothetical case of Dengue fever.The second day focused on generating vector borne disease surveillance products. The participants:A) generated trend graphs of mosquito populations through time via the QGIS Data Plotly plugin,unnamed-5.jpgB) generated heatmaps of mosquito populations,heatmapsC) calculated the minimum infection rate per year for West Nile and St. Louis Encephalitis viruses,mirD) identified potential mosquito sources to be inspected (storm drains) using a combination of a buffer operation (done against mosquito complaints with the distance  the species is known to be able to travel) and select by location against storm drains,stormdrainstobeinspected (1)E) identified parcels at risk due to their proximity to a fictional outbreak of Dengue Fever,denguefeverand F) learned to animate temporal data using the QGIS Time Manager plugin. Here the mosquito population (heatmap) is being animated weekly for the year 2018 with mosquito management zones be displayed.HouseCallAnimationHeatMapAll participants received official QGIS certificates for their participation.These workshop materials will part of the suite of https://communityhealthmaps.nlm.nih.gov/resources/ available through the Community Health Maps program in the near future.If you are interested in having this taught for you or your colleagues contact Kurt Menke (kurt@birdseyeviewgis.com)

Community Health Maps at Rising Voices 7

Last week Community Health Maps traveled to Boulder, Colorado to teach a pre-conference workshop at Rising Voices 7. The theme was Converging Voices: Building relationships and practices for intercultural science. The conference was hosted by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). The workshop was well attended with about two dozen participants representing numerous AI/AN tribes and other organizations. These workshop was part of the Community Health Maps project and was funded by the National Library of Medicine (funding for the workshop was provided under a sub-award from the National Library of Medicine to ICF International).The goal of Rising Voices is to "advance science through collaborations". Participants learn how indigenous and western scientific knowledge systems can compliment one another and advance our understanding of important issues in our communities. The focus is on climate.2019-05-20_164427At three hours the workshop was slightly shorter than normal. This allowed us to focus on field data collection with Fulcrum and web mapping with Carto. With a few minutes to spare Kurt Menke shared QGIS. Since he didn't have time to really demonstrate the use of QGIS he focused on the open source aspect. As an open source project, QGIS is both GIS software and a community. As such it aligns with the ethics many communities try to foster at Rising Voices.2019-05-22_080251 

Community Health Maps in Michigan: Four Workshops in Four Days in Four Cities!

This past week Kurt Menke traveled to Michigan and taught four Community Health Maps workshops for the University of Michigan. These were organized by the University of Michigan Libraries and were done in four days on four different campuses: Ann Arbor, Flint, Detroit Center and Dearborn. These workshops were part of the Community Health Maps project and were funded by the National Library of Medicine (funding for the workshops was provided under a sub-award from the National Library of Medicine to ICF International).BlogDue to great outreach by the University of Michigan team of - Tyler Nix, Marisa Conte, Alexa Rivera, Justin Schell, Sara McDonnell, Troy Rosencrants, Kui-Bin Im and Claudia Walters - the workshops had great attendance and ran like clockwork.The first was held at the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor at the Hatcher Graduate Library.  Twenty eight people attended. The audience was mainly a mix of faculty and representatives of local public health/community organizations with a few students. The final hour was reserved for group discussion and Justin Schell did a fantastic job moderating. Ideas for mapping park safety and identifying underserved populations were discussed as projects where mapping could help.IMG_0204The second was held the following day at the UM Flint. We started in the University Center Happenings Room and moved to Thompson Library for the afternoon QGIS session. Forty five people came out for this second training, quite a bit more than we expected. This included some walk-ins and late registrants. In addition to faculty and students there were quite a few representatives from local county health departments and non-profits.20190403_134426The third was held at the UM Detroit Center on April 4th. Thirty people registered for this workshop. This was probably the most diverse group including some UM faculty, plus Wayne State faculty, county public health staff (including some as far away as Saginaw County) and non-profit public health workers.20190404_142046The fourth was held at UM Dearborn on April 5th. This was the smallest of the four with 20 registrants. However, this allowed us to get a little farther into the capabilities of QGIS.20190405_103209One of the most helpful components was a web page Marisa Conte set up for the workshops. It initially had all the important details for each workshop, including driving directions, links to the slides and workshop data. This alone set a new standard for workshop outreach and organization. During the discussion on the first day she began adding url's for sites containing useful data and other resources identified during the afternoon discussion. During the week this  evolved into what is now a fantastic resource for everyone who attended. This will be helpful to anyone implementing CHM related projects or those who weren't able to attend.For the week  123 people were trained in Community Health Maps! This is a record that may never be broken. However what came out of the week more than the numbers, is the incredible potential for projects that can make a real difference in these communities. I'm looking forward to working more with everyone I met. Thanks again to UM Michigan for organizing such a successful series of workshops.

Mapping Field Photos in QGIS

We are on the eve of another QGIS release. Version 3.6 will be released any day now. This will mark an important milestone in QGIS development. QGIS 3.4 will become the first long-term release for the 3.x line. With 3.6 will come one specific change pertinent to this topic: the Raster Image Marker. Consider this post a small preview of what you can expect with v3.6!In the typical CHM workshop attendees are shown how to use Fulcrum to download data collection points. These include photos. It is also possible to quickly and easily map any geotagged photo from your smartphone using just QGIS. For this example, I am using some photos I took yesterday during a hike with my iPhone.

    1. Using the Processing Toolbox, search for and open the Import Geotagged Photos tool and set it up as shown in below, pointing the tool to the folder containing your photos and naming the output point file.ImportGeoTaggedPhotos
    2. The data are in geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude). It will be helpful to project the photopoints to a Cartesian coordinate system such as UTM or State Plane. To do this right-click on the photopoints layer in the Layers Panel and choose Export --> Save As from the context menu.
    3. In the Save Vector Layer As window save a new copy of the layer. If you need help determining which coordinate system to use feel free to reach out to Kurt Menke (kurt at birdseyeviewgis.com). He is happy to help!SaveVectorLayerAs
    4. Now you have a couple interesting ways to visualize these points. First you can generate something called a Wedge Buffer.  These are pie shaped polygons that you can set up to represent the field-of-view of the photograph.wedgebuffers
    5. Search the Processing Toolbox for the Create Wedge Buffers tool.  The Input Layer will be the reprojected photopoints. The Buffers output can be a shapefile in your photos folder. The real trick is using what is known as a Data Defined Override. In QGIS you can use values in attribute columns or expressions for tool inputs instead of putting in a single typed value. In the animation below, a Data Defined Override is being used for the Azimuth parameter. This determines which way the wedge will be pointed. The Import Geotagged Photos tool extracts more than just photo location. It also extracts direction, altitude etc. Here the Azimuth parameter is simply being pointed to the direction attribute column and this orients the wedge in the direction the photo was taken! The only other parameter to set is the Outer Radius. This determines how long the wedge will be. Here it is being set to 300 meters.wedgebuffers
    6. Now there are both photo locations as points, and wedge buffers showing the field-of-view! wedgebufferscreated


  1.  Next let's improve the default symbology for the wedge buffers using a Shapeburst fill. You will open the Layer Styling Panel (F7) and set the wedge buffers as the target layer. Next select the Simple Fill component and switch the Symbol layer type from Simple fill to Shapeburst fill. You can then set the two colors to use. Here I am using red and transparent. You can then set a distance for the effect and play with other settings like Blur strength. shapeburst
  2. Finally you will learn a feature that will be released with QGIS 3.6: Raster Image Markers. Here the target layer is the photopoints layer. The Symbol layer type is being switched from Simple fill to Raster image marker. Then the Data Defined Override for the image is being set to the photo field, and the Rotation parameter is being set to the rotation field!rasterimagemarker
  3. Now the photos have been mapped. Their field-of-view is being represented by a wedge buffer, and the photo itself is added to the map with a Raster image marker!photosmapped

Stay tuned for more tips on mapping and updates about this latest QGIS release.

QField - A QGIS Related App for Data Collection

QField is an application for collecting field data via an Android device. It was started 4-5 years ago by the Swiss company OPENGIS.ch LLC which also employs several core QGIS developers. QField has reached the point where it rivals most data collection apps. The only reason we have not been using it for Community Health Mapping workshops is that it is not available for iOS. This is simply because the open source license used by QField does not allow it to be wrapped into a proprietary software license like the one Apple employs for it's store.  If however, you are a Community Health Mapper who uses Android it is a fantastic choice.NOTE: It is possible to set up an app which is compatible with iOS but does not participate in the App Store. This solves the licensing issue. Setting up an app this way necessitates becoming part of the iOS Enterprise Program which costs money.  QField developers would like to make this happen, and it will likely involve iOS users donating to QField.9xQCp89zAlthough QField is rooted in QGIS code it is not a miniature version of QGIS. Rather it is a streamlined data collection app. As they say, "the buttons are few and they are large," so you can work with it out in the field. QField lets you create a map in QGIS and upload that map to your mobile device. From there you can collect data.The workflow for QField looks like this. You begin by making a QGIS project on  your computer. Importantly this project will contain the point, line or polygon layer(s) you want to populate in the field. (NOTE that Fulcrum only allows the collection of points!) This means you think of your survey form and data to be collected in the office, and create fields in your GIS layer(s) for each question you want to answer. With a little bit of QGIS editing familiarity this isn't any more difficult or time consuming than creating a form in Fulcrum.  You then upload the folder containing the QGIS project and data to your mobile device. The GeoPackage data format, which is the default for QGIS 3.x, works great with QField. There is even a QGIS Plugin named QFieldSync that facilitates migrating your project to your device. Once the data has been copied to your mobile device you can open your QGIS map file using QField.Qfield1QField uses the same rendering engine as QGIS so the map will look identical to how it did in the office.  Once the map is open you can select from one of two modes: Browse or Digitize. When collecting data you would choose Digitize. Then select the layer you want to work with.Qfield2For public health officials with security concerns QField is a great fit because there is no third party cloud platform involved. The data is not being streamed across the internet. All the data is stored locally on your mobile device. You can simply use the My Files app on your device to navigate to your GeoPackage file and email it to yourself. If it is too large you can connect your device to you computer to download it or use a data sharing app such as DropBox or Google Drive.Since this is an open source project you can request new features and report any bugs you encounter by contacting the developers! Since QField doesn't cost anything to download and use, you can also consider donating to the project to help it continue. Even small donations are helpful to projects like this. Doing this makes QField better for everyone. I encourage you to try it out.

A Pair of Community Health Maps Workshops at the ASTHO Climate and Health Summit

During the last week of May the Community Health Maps team (Janice Kelly, John Scott and Kurt Menke) traveled to Honolulu to participate in the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) Insular Area Climate and Health Summit. There were representatives from:

  • American Samoa
  • Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
  • Federated States of Micronesia
  • Guam
  • Palau
  • Puerto Rico
  • Marshall Islands
  • U.S. Virgin Islands
  • Hawaii Department of Health
  • Pacific Island Health Officers Association (PIHOA)
  • CDC
  • NOAA
7516756736_IMG_4910The first afternoon was focused on the impacts of climate change, preparedness and building resilience. There were great presentations on climate change (Capt. Barry Choy - NOAA), an overview of the tools and programs available from the CDC (Paul Schramm), and issues with vector-borne diseases and mosquitoes (Janet McAllister).  The ASTHO grantees then gave some some sobering presentations on current issues people are dealing with in the Mariana Islands, Micronesia and the U.S. Virgin Islands.img-7852.jpgThe second day focused more on tools and resources. There were more detailed talks given by the CDC on Technical Assistance for Vector Control and Tools and Resources for Climate and Water Safety. That afternoon we taught a 3.5 hour Community Health Maps Train-the-Trainers workshop to a group of health officials from each territory.  We went through the entire CHM workflow: A) how to design a data collection form, B) how to collect data, C) how to make a map in Carto and D) how to bring the data into QGIS.
The last morning we taught a second Community Health Maps workshop open to everyone. We had about 30 attendees and again went through the entire CHM workflow.img-7880.jpgMost of the trainees had little to no GIS training yet instantly knew how mapping could apply to their work and lives. They want to map everything related to hurricane relief, salt water resistant taro farms, infrastructure related to mosquito outbreaks etc. A benefit of having the community do this is that they can be in charge of their own data and it helps build community relationships.Over the three days I heard a lot of side discussions about the usefulness of the free/low cost/open source CHM approach. The cost of proprietary solutions is often a significant barrier to entry into the world of community data collection and mapping. We were gratified to hear some very positive feedback on the workshops and CHM overall during the closing session. There seems to be a lot of potential in CHM helping both U.S. Territories and ASTHO deal with the immediate and long-term health issues related to climate.

CHM Conducts Three Workshops in Maryland

Last week Kurt Menke traveled to Maryland. Two workshops were held at the Prince Georges County Department of Social Services for people working on homeless issues. All attendees were novices to mapping technology. However, in the first hour they all built a data collection form in Fulcrum and went outside to collect some data around the building.file-mar-02-9-35-57-amThe attendees represented a variety of organizations including many working with YouthREACH Maryland. REACH is an acronym standing for Reach out, Engage, Assist, & Count to end Homelessness. It is an effort to obtain accurate, detailed information on the number, characteristics, and needs of unaccompanied homeless youth in Maryland. Other organizations represented at these workshops included:

  • Maryland's Commitment to Veterans
  • Maryland Department of Planning
  • Prince Georges Community College
  • St Ann's Center for Children, Youth, and Familes
  • Maryland Multicultural Youth Center
  • So Others Can Keep Striving (S.O.C.K.S)
  • Sasha Bruce Youthwork
  • Lifestyles of Maryland.

In the final two hours of the workshops attendees learned how to map the data they collected in both Carto and QGIS. We also had time for a brief discussion about how CHM could be used in their projects. There were a lot of ideas shared about how the technology could help community engagement.file-mar-02-9-27-09-amAfter the two PG County workshops, CHM traveled across the Chesapeake Bay bridge to Salisbury University on the eastern shore.file-mar-02-9-27-49-amv2The following morning we held a workshop geared towards social work students at Salisbury University. Attendees went through the CHM workflow and were introduced to Fulcrum, Carto and QGIS. Below is a map of data collected around the student center in Carto.2017-03-02_095000Salisbury University Data Collection in CartoThe workshop concluded with a short introduction to working with data in QGIS.2017-03-02_094159The next scheduled workshop for the Community Health Maps team will be at the Teaching Prevention 2017 Conference in Savannah, Georgia. That conference takes place from April 5-7th. If you are interested in learning this technology this workshop will be a great opportunity!

New Year Will Bring Updated Labs Including Lab Zero!

It has been 2 years since the Community Health Maps (CHM) lab exercises were first produced. Software changes quickly, and over the last two years the tools involved in the CHM workflow have undergone many changes. For example, this fall the pricing scheme for iForm changed. Though it is still a good product, this price increase puts it out of the category of low cost software. The companion site formhub.org no longer exists, making ODK Collect more difficult to work with. Fortunately Fulcrum is a fantastic alternative to those two data collection apps. QGIS has released 5 new versions and is now at version 2.18! CartoDb has been rebranded as Carto and has a new interface.ac3b0a08203e87505a823b0d8a0895d44489f916.pngAll these changes means it is time for all the lab exercises to be updated. Lab 1 will now be a single lab for both iOS and Android users with Fulcrum. Labs 2-5 will be updated to QGIS 2.18. Lab 6 will be updated to Carto's new interface. The set of companion videos will also be redone and updated.Many have worked through these labs and some provided feedback. This information is being used to improve the labs as they are updated. One new item will be Lab Zero. While the CHM workflow is intuitive, it has been suggested that more background information could be useful. Lab Zero will be a companion reference document to the CHM labs. It will contain: A) information on the background of the CHM project, B) software installation instructions , C) a glossary of terms, D) more thorough descriptions of some technical topics like coordinate reference systems, E) a description of how to interact with the QGIS community to get additional help, and F) a list of data resources. This work is in progress and will be ready this spring. Stay tuned!Baltimore DIabetes.png 

CHM Has a Busy Fall with Workshops and Storms!

We had a busy fall giving three workshops in September and October. First Community Health Maps traveled to Spokane Washington to conduct a half day technical workshop at the National Tribal Forum for Excellence in Community Health Practice.img_1639This event was organized by the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board and supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. We weren't certain who or how many would attend, and I expect attendees weren't entirely sure what Community Health Mapping was all about either. However, it turned out to be a very engaged group representing tribes from many regions of the country. Within a few hours everyone was able to:

  • Create a field data collection form in Fulcrum
  • Collect some data around the conference center on their smartphones/tablets
  • Make a map of their data in Carto
  • Learn how to bring the data into QGIS

This was a typical CHM workshop with most never having done any mapping work before. As such it was a very empowering experience for the participants to learn how to use this technology to map their community in just a few short hours.From there we traveled to Honolulu, Hawai'i to give a workshop organized by Papa Ola Lokahi. There were two hurricanes (Lester and Madeline) heading towards the islands. Fortunately they both veered off and didn't cause any damage or disruptions! The attendees came with a plethora of ideas on how mapping could fit into their work including:A) tracking scholarship recipients of the Native Hawaiian Health Scholarships program,B) supporting the Native Hawaiian Cancer Network,C) mapping Dr. Ben Young’s research on historical tracking of Native Hawaiian Health professionals,D) mapping Native Hawaiian Homelands to provide resource data to providers and community members, andE) use the CHM "train the trainer" model to increase ongoing trainings for service providers including community health outreach workers and patient community navigators in Hawai'i.img_1004After a brief break we headed to Seattle, Washington, again there were two separate storms including, the remnants of Typhoon Songda, bearing down on the region threatening to disrupt power and services! Again fortunately the storms didn't make a direct hit on the area and the workshop proceeded on schedule.We went to train students in the capstone course of the Community Oriented Public Health Practice Program at the University of Washington. This is our second year supporting this program. The first year was a huge success with two students attending the APTR Conference and presenting their work.Like last year we had  a full house with students eager to learn about community mapping. Both first year and second year students were in attendance. Several second year students will submit proposals for consideration, to receive a stipend and support for using Community Health Maps in their capstone projects. Jamie Smeland is the first of the group to be awarded the stipend for her capstone project entitled, "Honoring the Collective Wisdom: Documenting a Cross-Racial and Intergenerational Movement to Shift Power to Youth and Parent Leaders to Improve Educational and Health Outcomes for Students of Color in South Seattle & South King County." We look forward to working with these students in the coming months.IMG_2178.JPGIn the near future we will be offering an updated set of Community Health Mapping labs and a platform for CHM webinars. Stay tuned! In the meantime if you are interested in Community Health Maps and/or receiving CHM training contact John Scott (jcscott at cpsc.com) for more details.